Sunday, July 30, 2006

A Legacy, So Far Removed...

Ah, The Takers. To be loved, to be hated, but never to be indifferent...that was the key. A love affair, a gang, anger and hatred in their purest forms, a love supreme, a legacy, so far removed...drugs, booze, sex, and rock and roll, with a little film noir, dusty western plains, a medal for the hero, and everything in between...not to mention shreds of sick, black (in every conceivable form) humour. Oh yes, and music too.

I played bass for The Takers from 2000 until 2002. They had formed in 1999 from the ashes of Daviess County Panthers (themselves conceived from the remains of The Tulips) comprising three members from there (Michael Hibarger [guitar], Chris Keene [drums], and John Paananen [bass]) plus Keene's former bandmate from Pontius Pilate (and former Red Bliss hellraiser) Mike Carreiro on voice. I "replaced" (John and I had very different styles) Paananen in 2000. We released an EP (Never Get Out Of These Blues Alive) and an album (If The Blues Were Red), both less than perfect, plus recorded the inner guts of a third record that remains unfinished and unreleased.

We ended, rather unceremoniously, sadly, and a bit pathetically, in mid 2002. It's better to burn out than to fade away, said Neil Young, but we went against his advice (perhaps in the worry that we'd eventually crank out a turd such as Are You Passionate? or Greendale) and merely vanished one day. It felt, at the time, and still does, like the right thing to do.

So then welcome then to a little corner in Boston rock history where some very good times were had in a very small span of time. Thank you for your interest.

Rock on-

Nick Blakey


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